
Heaven and Hell | What's Bipolar Disorder?

Mytherapist CandleX 2022-07-17


The word “Bipolar Disorder” always seems to be a bit mysterious: you can only guess! However, for the past two years, we have been approached by many people living with bipolar disorder, who came to our CandleX offline events. Many of these people are just faces that you see every day at work, in your community group or at home even. What is exactly Bipolar Disorder from the medical stand point?


22nd Feb- 2nd March last month, our MoodlaB Project ( Bipolar Disorder Awareness Raising Project 2016-2018) has started on the third component: Psychosocial Education, with the spot light brought on by our partner: Mytherapist.



作者|丸子,本文首发于“简单心理”( janelee1231),只提供高质量的心理服务

30th March is the World Bipolar Day. (IT IS TODAY)

Reading of today: Heaven and hell, in a single brain | all the things you need to know about bipolar disorder.

Author | Wanzi, published on “Mytherapist” (janelee1231) on26rd Feb 2017.


Heaven and hell, in a single brain | all the things you need to know about bipolar disorder.




“She is sometimes a ranged shrew, with shrieks piercing my ears and frightful expressions in her eyes; standing on the stage, she forgets her lines, sings the wrong words, assaults other actors and falls into frustration from time to time. While she comes to a silence, her suffering martyrdom reveals her facet of a child.”

Vivien Leigh may leave us with an impression of the sprightly, shining Scarlet in Gone with the Wind. The fact that she suffered from bipolar disorder is not a secret. Swinging in this bi-polar state, she exchanged adazzling but brief life at the epense of her health.


双相情感障碍(bipolar disorder),也称为躁郁症,是一种躁狂与抑郁交替发作的严重类精神疾病。


  • 心境高涨:极High的同时也容易被激怒

  • 思维奔逸:个体的思维比语言表达的频率更快,且能在不同话题之间快速转换。有时候因为想法塞满脑子以致于难以表达

  • 活动性增多:变得极为健谈,语速快,且话语内容夸张

  • 自尊膨胀,伴随冲动行为 

  • 睡眠需求减少:长时间高效率工作还不觉得累,不需要或只需很少的睡眠。


What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depression, is a severe mental illness characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression.

Mania is a characteristic of bipolar disorder, but what it it? Mania often features:

  • A heightened stateof mind: an individual’s mind is extremely high but easily enraged.

  • Racing thoughts: an individual’s pace of thinking is much faster than the frequency of language expression; individuals may speak very quickly, often making quick changes between different topics. Sometimes individuals find it hard to express themselves because their brains are too full of ideas.

  • Increased activity: an individual becomes extremely talkative, fast-talking, and exaggerated in their words and content.

  • Elevated self-esteem with impulsive behavior.

  • Little need for sleep: the individual never gets tired even after prolonged activity and after working for a long time; they do not need to sleep, or only sleep a little.

The main character of Skam — the Norwegian TV series, suffers from bipolar disorder. When he is in a manic episode he never sleeps at night and runs around naked at midnight. He breaks into other people’s houses to swim,and speaks unceasingly in an unconstrained style.

( in our CandleX's column "My Story with Depression", you can also read about a manic story from our follower, describing what it's like to be on the manic side. Maria's Story on Mania)




Depression is the second characteristic of bipolar disorder. Depressive episodes of bipolar disorder tend to be very similar to single-phase depression (majord epressive disorder) and they are difficult to distinguish clinically. Low state of mind, loss of interest, and decreased activity appear when patients enter episodes of depression. People with bipolar disorder tend to only seek help when they feel depressed. It is exactly because they only go to the doctor when they feel depressed that many people suffering from bipolar disorder are wrongly diagnosed as having depression. If you notice symptoms of depression in your family or friends, you had better pay attention to whether or not they show signs of manic behavior as well.

The most painful truth for bipolar disorder patients is that they are alternately attacked by mania and depression. Sometimes you may see them living in an extremely high state of mind — so high that they feel like they are the master of the universe. In contrast, they sometimes get so depressed that they no longer want to carry on living.

One bipolar disorder sufferer said to us, “Someone bleeds all his energy to keep living — that person is me.”







Some misconceptions about bipolar disorder

Those who experience the pain will feel empathy towards those people suffering it. People without such experiences may easily have some misunderstandings and confusion about mental illness. This is especially true for bipolar disorder, which may give people a large space for imagination, and leads many misconceptions to arise.The following are some commonly help misconceptions:

1. Is bipolar disorder just the normal ups and doesn't of moods?

Many people may simply regard bipolar disorder as a state of “sometimes happy, sometimes sad”. Some people may put the label of “bipolar” on themselves and others at their will.

This is very unfair for those who are actually suffering from bipolar disorder — just as some wrongly believe that patients with depression will get better merely by “being more positive”. It minimizes what it is actually like to live with bipolar.

Sufferers of bipolar disorderare always swinging between heaven and hell in their lives. The feelings of surging and falling follow them, along with the struggle through day and night. As people who have not experienced bipolar, we may seek excitement by playing Mega Drop. But what if you imagine that you spend your entire life on the MegaDrop? This would probably be somewhat like the reality of a somebody who is living with bipolar disorder.

2. 双相偏爱天才(我也想得)?


美国精神病研究者Kay Redfield Jamison在《躁郁症与艺术家气质》一书中,列出了一系列可能患有双相障碍的名人名单,其中作家、艺术家和作曲家占绝大多数,丰富想象力和创造力是他们疾病黑暗中留存的一丝光明(silver lining)。


2. If bipolar disorder favors geniuses, can I getsome too?

Some people think that bipolar disorder is a kind of “genius disease”, that it is the price people pay in exchange for intelligence and creativity. Many anecdotes and biographies show a tendency for people suffering from bipolar disorder or schizophrenia to show signs of genius and of being in possession of an “incomparable vision of theworld.” Some believe that an abundant imagination and creativity are the silverlining that keeps sufferers alive through the darkness of the disease.

In the book Bipolar Disorder and Temperaments of Artists by American psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison, a list of celebrities who may suffer from bipolar disorder is given. Writers, artists, and composers make up the majority of this list.

In reality, bipolar disorder is a severe mental illness; the pain brought by it is strong enough to beat a person down. The “genius patients of bipolar disorder” reported by the media is a survivor biased, romanticized view of the realities of the disorder. Though the ability to create incomparable arts sounds really captivating, bipolar is definitely not worth looking for.

3. 是否存在一个切换情绪的开关?


确切来说,并不存在一个真正的切换开关,只是当患者在进行某些活动时,脑内激素的分泌水平影响了神经活动,从而触发了躁狂的状态,这其实是一个转换的过程(switching process)。


3. Is there a "switch" that can alter the mood?

Many people think it incredible that bipolar disorder patients can switch between mania and depression. Some believe that the patients themselves can dimly perceive a “switch” in their brains, which they can choose to use in order to turn on themanic state.

In fact, the “switch” does not exist. Only in some conditions when the patients are participating incertain activities, does a hormone secreted in their brains affect neural activities and accordingly trigger the mania. It is actually a switching process.

Normally, patients are not able to anticipate the onset of this change. Mood swings cannot be absolutely controlled.




The road after bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder cannot be completely cured. Patients treated with medication have quite a high recurrencerate one year after treatment. In addition to the physical treatment with medication, psychological therapy plays an important supporting role during the rehabilitation period. In the case of emotional stability, the corresponding psychological counseling and treatment can greatly decrease the rate of recurrence. Mindfulness techniques and cognitive behavior therapy have provento be effective measures for the treatment of bipolar disorder.

For the family and friends of patients, the symptom of swinging between mania and depression is a heart-breaking and grievous problem. This situation seems “unreasonable” to them and it may consume all of their care and patience.



Above all else, for the patients themselves, the tolerance from both their families and the society in which they live is a crucial factor in alleviating the illness. Support, comprehension, and companionship from family and friends will provide the patients with a better environment for their recovery. They are also useful indicators for predicting the patient’s emotional stability.

(do NOT stop reading. Moreafter the references)


AmericanPsychiatric Association (2013). DSM-5.

Andreasen, N.C. (1987). Creativity and mental illness. American journal of Psychiatry,144(10), 1288-1292.

Ball, J. R.,Mitchell, P. B., Corry, J. C., Skillecorn, A., Smith, M., & Malhi, G. S.(2006). A randomized controlled trial of cognitive therapy for bipolardisorder: focus on long-term change. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 67(2),277-286.

Gale, C. R.,Batty, G. D., McIntosh, A. M., Porteous, D. J., Deary, I. J., & Rasmussen,F. (2013). Is bipolar disorder more common in highly intelligent people? Acohort study of a million men. Molecular psychiatry, 18(2), 190-194.

Salvadore, G.,Quiroz, J. A., Machado-Vieira, R., Henter, I. D., Manji, H. K., & ZarateJr, C. A. (2010). The neurobiology of the switch process in bipolar disorder: areview. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 71(11), 1488-1501.

Zammit, S.,Allebeck, P., David, A. S., Dalman, C., Hemmingsson, T., Lundberg, I., &Lewis, G. (2004). A longitudinal study of premorbid IQ score and risk ofdeveloping schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe depression, and othernonaffective psychoses. Archives of general psychiatry, 61(4), 354-360.

What’s more?

With the intention to unite the isolated voices, our MoodlabPhotoshoot( Sep 2016-2017) is still ongoing. We invite you to join us as a model, a story teller and an advocate (click here)

By Photographer: Pere Ibenaz

Dance for Charity | CandleX’s 2 Year Anniversary Party

It is tomorrow, 1stApril!

Here’s something you don’t know about CandleX! Behind all the depression talks, workshops, and events, we are a team of people with good sense of humor, diverse talents, and fun driven energy. So instead of a traditional celebration with speeches, medals, and sitting tables, we are going to make it FUN!

Tomark this two-year anniversary, we are throwing a PARTY at night, and DanceWorkshops during the afternoon. You are invited to join us. Meet the CandleX’screw! It will be a night of fun and celebration.

Formore info: click here( you can purchase the tickets at the door as well)




